To cancel recurring payments, follow the steps as listed below:

  1. Login to the platform.
  2. Select Transactions in the left hand menu.
  3. Select Future Transactions.
  4. Next, find the payments that you are wanting to delete and select the Actions cog on the far right hand side of your screen and select Details.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Delete.
  6. Authorise the cancellation by inputting your authentication code as prompted.
  7. Once verified, select Delete.
  8. Confirm whether you want to cancel the individual payment or all of the pending recurring payments associated with that payment.
  9. Authorise the cancellation by clicking Send SMS Code, enter in the code provided and select Verify.
  10. Lastly, select Delete.

If you need any further assistance or have any questions, please email us or schedule a call by Clicking Here.