To export your contacts from MYOB, follow the steps as listed below:

  1. Login to MYOB.
  2. Select the File menu.
  3. Navigate to the Import/Export assistant.
  4. Export your contacts from MYOB (CSV / Excel).
  5. Login to our platform.
  6. Select My Payees in the left menu.
  7. Select Add Payee in the top right hand corner.
  8. Select Excel/CSV file upload.
  9. Upload the file you previously downloaded from MYOB.
  10. Match the columns in your file to those pictured on the right of the screen.
  11. Confirm that the details uploaded are correct and select Next.
  12. Authorise the upload by clicking Send SMS Code, enter in the code provided and select Verify.
  13. Lastly, select Upload Now.

If you need any further assistance or have any questions please email us or schedule a call by Clicking Here.