To add payees manually, follow the steps as listed below:

  1. Login to the platform.
  2. Select My Payees in the left hand menu.
  3. Select Add Payee in the top right hand corner.
  4. Select Manual.
  5. Select whether your payee is a Business or Employee. Please note, employees can only be paid via VISA, Mastercard or Bank Transfer. American Express strictly prohibits the paying of employees with a card.
  6. Proceed as prompted, ensuring all fields marked with an asterisk are filled in accurately.
  7. When you arrive at the Disbursement Details page select whether your payee has Bank Details (BSB and Account Number) or BPAY Details (Biller Code and Reference Number).
  8. Once you have entered in all of the details as prompted, select Verify.

If you need any further assistance or have any questions, please email us or schedule a call by Clicking Here.